
VISUAL ARTS OUTCOMES (Grades 3-5)By the end of grade 5 students will:

1.Choose from a variety of art media to express a feeling, to communicate a message and represent people, places and objects.
2.Demonstrate how the elements of art, e.g., colour, line texture, shape, can be manipulated to create unity and variety.3.Create an art work, independently, based on memory, observation, imagination, fantasy, mood and in response to expressive art forms, e.g., dance, drama, music and literature.
4. Describe visual properties and qualities in the world around them.5. Describe art works using appropriate vocabulary.

Painting: Students will:- explore different painting techniques, e.g., dry brush, wet brush, overpainting, stippling, paint qualities (opaque, transparent)
- paint on various scales, e.g., large and small
- complete simple mixed media investigations, e.g., paint over wax crayons or oil pastels to create a resist effect
- plan and complete a painting independently.
Paper Manipulation: Students will:- identify horizontal and vertical orientation of paper position and demonstrate appropriate choice to complete work
- use a variety of paper manipulation techniques, e.g., folding, curling, weaving, overlapping to create a collage, montage or mobile
- understand that a two-dimensional surface can become three-dimensional by various paper manipulation and additive techniques
- demonstrate a variety of attachment techniques, e.g., tying, stapling, taping, folding, slotting, gluing
Drawing Explorations: Students will:- predict and control overlapping or blending of colours to create desired results
- use light and heavy pressure leading to investigations in value.
- draw over a painting using various stick media, e.g., crayons, pastels, colour pencils
- experiment with lines to create a crayon etching
Printmaking:Students will:- explain how an image created on one surface will be reversed when printed
- create a unified composition combining different stencils and/or stamping and/or rubbings
- complete an artwork by drawing into Styrofoam (intaglio technique)
Three Dimensional Exploration: Students will:- compare and contrast a two dimensional art work with a three-dimensional object
- use additive and constructive techniques with clay, e.g., slip and score
- use warm, cool, light, dark colours for expressive and representational purposes
- apply different kinds of line in their own artwork and identify line in the work of artists and in nature
- recognize size relationships, near/far, over/under, different planes, i.e., foreground, background, mid-ground
- identify different categories of shape (organic, inorganic, geometric)
- discuss simple compositional elements in their art work and the art work of others, e.g., horizontal line, area of emphasis, symmetrical balance, repeating shapes
Technology:Students will:- demonstrate the use of basic paint program menu options, to create, save and print a design or image applying knowledge of the elements of art
- name various sources that supply information on art, e.g., CD ROM, internet, libraries
Materials: Students will:

- use common tools and materials safely and independently with decreasing teacher intervention
- generate and select ideas for art work
- use a variety of sources to stimulate ideas on art work, e.g., poems, songs, the environment
- use a variety of subject matter in their art work
- demonstrate self-confidence and eagerness toward their art production, expression and discussion
- develop observational skills, e.g., details to enrich personal images
- identify art elements in the natural and manufactured world
- use a variety of sources for images, such as, memory, fantasy, observation and recording
- practice and develop observation and memory skills
- recognize that a response to art involves feelings, understandings and knowledge, e.g., medium, subject matter, and composition
- describe how people may have different responses to an art work
- recognize different styles among classmates’ and artists’ artworks

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